Saturday, June 11, 2011

DAM - Stranger in My Countryدام - غريب في بلاديGhareeb Fi Blady

The intro is a sample of Tawfiq Ziad's poem "Unadikum (I'm calling you)," which has been performed by Ahmed Qabour here.

DAM - Stranger in My Country

Tawfiq Ziad:

I'm calling you
I shake your hand
I kiss the ground beneath your feet and tell you "I will redeem you"
And I give you the light of my eyes
And the warmth of my heart
And the tragedy which I live
Is that my fate is just like yours


All the boats pass us by leaving a sadness to drown our hearts
So we becomes guests of the darkness in our homes
And the verse is flipped again
We've become guests who are unwelcome
Strangers in our own land, separated from our country
Who cares about our worries?
A slow death runs in our blood
A democratic Zionist regime is ruling us
Democratic to those who are Zionist
And Zionist to those who are Arab
In other words, what is forbidden for him is forbidden for me
And what's allowed for him is forbidden for me
And what's allowed for me is undesirable for me
Because it denies my existence
It erased and continues to erase my colors
History has forgotten my ancestors and brainwashes my children
That wake up to a present that doesn't represent them
The blue citizenship (Israeli citizenship) we piss out and drink of its water
You tell us we are part of the people and the people make us feel like foreigners
I am a stranger in my country

Amal Basharat:

Where can I go, strangers have occupied my home?
My soul told me, "the embrace of your family will protect you my dear"
Where can I go?
My brothers and sisters didn't care about my situation
My soul told me, "walk with your head held high!"


We see faces that don't want us around
Glances that fear us, whispers that curse us
Gestures driving us away and oppressing us
They're forgetting that our ancestors built these buildings
And our brothers are still building their foundations
And their foundation is the Arabs of the Mosques and the Churches
In the end people from another country screaming "transfer" at me
We're complaining to laws that digest our rights
Suppress our voices
Inside the green line (ie the division between Israel and the Occupied territories) destroying our homes
Unemployment encircles us
We grow up in poverty and poverty raises our minds
But our hearts live and preserve our roots
Those who call us traitors
No no no no
I have never been worthless in my country
The tragedies of my people are what have written my fate
The world until this point has treated us like Israelis
And Israel is always going to treat us like Palestinians
I'm a stranger in my country


Thirteen martyrs, destiny is near
With rocks in hand, thirteen martyrs
The greatness of our country, the pillar of our country
Black October proved that it's in our blood
If everyone is born under occupation
How can they not throw back at the past? (reference to stone throwing)
Rather, throw himself like a sword
Battling the weapons that consider our blood water
Killing the peaceful voice with live ammunition
As a tear of pain cries "I am running down an Arab cheek"
Muhammad and Jesus Christ, we're a mountain that the wind cannot shake
We keep representing nationalism
Symbols of freedom
The flame of our grandfathers lights the soul of the youth
I am a stranger in my country
But I thank the lord that I hold onto my heritage
They called me a traitor
An Arab inside the 48 boundaries (Arabs who stayed in Israel after most of the Arabs were driven out in 1948 to establish an Arab state are view by other Palestinians and Arabs as traitors sometimes)
While you got your hand on your head
We are the roots of Palestine
Forever and always

دام - غريب في بلادي

: توفيق زياد
اناديكم . اشد على اياديكم
وابوس الرض تحت نعالكم
واقول افديكم. واهديكم ضيا عيني
ودفء القلب اعطيكم . فمأساتي اللتي احياها
نصيبي من ماسيكم

: محمود

كل السفن تفوتنا
تاركة الحزن يغرق
قلوبنا راضية نكون ضيوف الظلم ببيوتنا
والاية انقلبت كمان مرة
صرنا ضيوف اللي غير مرغوب فينا
مكتوب لينا نضلنا غراب على ارضنا
بعاد من وطنا
مين يهمه همنا
موت بطيء يجري بدمنا
حاكمنا حكم صهيوني ديموقراطي
ديموقراطي للنفس الصهيونية
وصهيوني للنفس العربية
يعني الممنوع اله ممنوع الي
المسموح اله ممنوع الي
والمسموح الي مكروه الي
لأنه ينكر حياتي
محى وما زال يمحي الواني
تاريخ ناسي جدادي
يغسل دماغ ولدي
اللي توعى على حاضر ما يمثلها
الجنسية الزرقة نبلها ونشرب ميتها
تقلنا انو احنا من الشعب والشعب يحسسنا انه احنا غربى
انا غريب في بلدي

: امل بشارات

لوين اروح
الغربة احتلت داري
قالتلي الروح
حضن اهلك يحمي الغالي
لوين اروح
اخواتي ما اهتموا بحالي
قالتلي الروح
منتصب القامة امشي

: سهيل

احنا شايفين وجوه مش رايدانا
نظرات قرفانانا
همسات سابانا
اشارات طردانا قاهرانا
ناسية انه اجدادنا اسسو المباني
واخوانا ما زالو يعمرو اساسها
واساسها عرب المسجد والدير
اخرها الناس من بلد غير
تصرخلي ترانسفير
احنا شاكيين لقوانين هاضمة حقوقنا
كاتمة صوتنا
داخل الخط الأخضر هادمة بيوتنا
البطالة تحومنا
نربى بفقر وفقر يربي عقولنا
لكن تحيي قلوبنا اللي تحيي جذورنا
اللي ينادونا خونا
لا لا لا لا
انا ما هنت في وطني
مآسي شعبي كتبتلي قدري
انه العالم لليوم بعاملنا اسرائيليين
واسرائيل لبكرة تعاملنا فلسطينيين
غريب في بلدي

: تامر

ثلاثة عشر شهيد والقدر قريب
لما الحجر باليد 13 شهيد
علء وطنا. عماد وطنا
اكتوبر السود اثبت انه
القياد بدمنا
اذا الكل فيهم وليد تحت الحتلل
كيف مش رامي الماضي
بل رامي حاله كالسيف الماضي
يعارك سلح الحاسب دمنا مي
يقتل الصوت المصلح برصاصه الحي
ودمعة الم تصيح انا اسيل عخد عربي
محمد والمسيح يا جبل ما يهزنا ريح
نضل رامز القومية
وسام الحرية
شعلة اجدادنا منورة الروح الشبابية
انا غريب في بلدي
لكن احمد ربي اني متمسك بتراثي
نادوني خاين
عربي الداخل ال 48
وايدك عراسك احنا جذور فلسطين
لطول العمر

Monday, June 6, 2011

Makhoul Kassouf - The Doors of Happinessمخول قاصوف - بواب الفرحBwab al Farah

This is in my opinion one of the nicest songs recorded in Arabic. The artist, Makhoul Kassouf (مخول قاصوف) often is off the radar of most Arabic music listeners, however, his music has been a major contribution to the modern Lebanese music scene, and he has often collaborated with such artists as Ziad Rahbani.

"The Doors of Happiness (بواب الفرح)" was recorded at the end of the 1980s, and reflects the growing feeling of distress that by that time had become despair after more than a decade of continuous civil wars in Lebanon. It is sung by Sami Hawat (سامي حواط).

Click here to download

Makhoul Qassouf - The Doors of Happiness

I banged on the doors of happiness so much that the planks fell off
The echo hiding behind the threshold escaped
The children scattered
Nothing remains in the shadow of these walls
Not even ruins to say there was a country here

مخول قاصوف - بواب الفرح

من كترما دقيت ع بواب الفرح هرهروا الخشبات
فـل الصدى اللاطي ورا العتبة
فلفلوا الولاد
ما ضل بفي هالحيطان ولو خربة تقول
هون كان في بلاد

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Fouad Ghazi - I'll Plant You a Rose Gardenفؤاد غازي - لزرعلك بستان ورودLazraa lik Bustan Wuroud

Updated lyrics, translation and info

Fouad Ghazi is a Syrian singer from the Hama province. He was very popular during the 1980s and was known for his distinctly "mountain (jabali)" style of singing typical of the Syrian coast. Although he withdrew from the spotlight during the nineties, his music remains popular today. "Rose Garden (بستان ورود)" is arguably his most famous work.

Fouad Ghazi - I'll Plant You a Rose Garden

I'll plant you a rose garden
And a little tree to give you shade
And spin for you from the light of the sun
A bracelet to adorn your hand

And I'll bring you from the farthest sea
The prettiest pearl you can find
And I'll steal for you from around the full moon
The most beautiful star and keep it

And I'll build you a lofty palace
And carry you on my wings
And spin for you from the light of the sun
A bracelet to adorn your hand

If you want pearls and corals
I'll bring you a whole chest-full
And if you want the hat of a fairy
I'm not gonna tell you no, no no

And if you want, oh willow branch
I'll hide you in my eyes (meaning he'll watch over her)
And spin for you from the light of the sun
A bracelet to adorn your hand

My beauty, there's a secret in your eyes
Enchanting me and melting me (i.e. making me fall in love)
Words stronger than pearl
My love for you is always keeping me up

Being near you is bitter and so is being close
And so is the myrrh tree in your eyes (I think referring to the tree in keeping with the theme of nature imagery)
I'll spin for you from the light of the sun
A bracelet to adorn your hand

فؤاد غازي - لأزرعلك بستان ورود

لزرعلك بستان ورود
وشجره صغيرة تفييكي

واغزلك من نور الشمس
اسواره تزين ايديكي

و رح جبلك من ابعد بحر
احلا درة بلائيها
و اسرئلك من حول البدر
اجمل نجمة و خبيها

و عمرلك بالعالي قصر
و عجناحاتي وديكي
واغزلك من نور الشمس
اسواره تزين ايديكي

لو بدك لولو ومرجان
راح اجيبلك خزنه بحالها
ولو بدك طاقية الجان
ماني راح اقولك لا لا لا

ولو بدك ياغصن البان
جوه عيوني بخبيكي
واغزلك من نور الشمس
اسواره تزين بايديكي

يا حلوة بعيونك سر
ساحرني ومدوبني
كلماتك اقوى من الدر
وحبك دوم مسهرني

قربك مر وبعدك مر
ومر المر فى عنيكي
لغزلك من نور الشمس
اسواره تزين بايديكي

Lyrics transcription from here